Introductory Summary
Omniphysical Life
An omniphysical person is one whose mind can move from its current body to a new one, and another, and others, allowing the person to draw on alternative bodies to sustain and empower their existence.
Omniphysical life rests on two previously unrecognized facts:
1.) Mind is a purely descriptive information entity, existing in an information field completely distinct from that of body. Mind is per se descriptive; all of its content and capabilities exist in descriptive information terms. Being a descriptive information entity, mind can be supported omniphysically by any number of appropriate physical means. Our mind is not inextricably tied to our current body but can move to new ones.
2.) My mind is me. It is the powerful self of my self-awareness, identity, autonomy, intelligence, values, beliefs, memories, creativity, and aspirations. It is the subjective ‘I’ – the guy inside who knows that it’s me, the one who tells my body what to do, the one who longs for existence. Of course we need a body, but not a particular body. Our current bodies can be replaced by bodies with greater capabilities. What can’t be replaced is the me at my existential core – my mind.
The ability of mind to move to new bodies allows individuals to determine their physical nature. No longer confined to the body that nature gave us, we can design and build new bodies fitting our needs and desires. This ability to command our living materiality is a wholly new power of life, enabling bodies to be adapted to our personal and societal purposes.
Becoming Omniphysical
To become omniphysical, a person must conserve the content of their mind and other information of life which can be conserved omniphysically. That requires personal effort as well as mechanisms and devices able to conserve information from the past as well as the ongoing present. The conserved content of mind is made operational on an information infrastructure of mind’s capabilities, enabling the person’s mind supportable omniphysically. Numerous challenges arise from the opacities of our evolved mind and brain, but those can be overcome thanks to the information nature of mind, the semantics to be conserved, and the ability to align brain-supported and omniphysically-supported mind.
Omniphysical Life Would Be Life’s Most Consequential Innovation
The ability of mind to move from body to body provides the sole means to overcome death in our dissipative material reality. The adaptability of bodies to environments and energy supplies enables an end to material want while saving and sustaining our planet of life. We will be safe from harm. If my body is harmed or dies, I am alive in a new one. Omniphysical life empowers our existence, revolutionizing our intelligence and physical capabilities. The command of our living materiality opens the cosmos to life with a person’s omniphysical mind traveling to worlds of life at speeds approaching that of light.