Becoming Omniphysical
The central elements and efforts to become omniphysical include the crucial conservations of mind’s content from the past, present, and anticipations of life as omniphysical; a growing information store of mind’s content conserved and overseen by the individual; the development of platforms of omniphysical mind’s capabilities on which a person’s conserved content of mind is made operational as their omniphysical mind; the individual’s information store becoming proto-omniphysical mind as it is imbued with mind’s capabilities and autonomous access to external information; the convergence in content, capabilities, and thinking of brain-supported and omniphysically-supported mind; omniphysical bodies providing the physical capabilities necessary for omniphysical life; the leap of life with omniphysical mind alive in a new body; the development of seminal omniphysical individuals into fully-enabled omniphysical ones.
For fully-enabled omniphysical individuals, the movement of mind from one body to another will occur seamlessly and instantaneously. The individual’s mind is per se descriptive and mind’s entire integrated system of descriptive content and capabilities can move to and direct another body. The conserved physical field semantics, along with their corresponding descriptions, will also have been transferred in full fidelity, now available to be experienced by the new body’s sensory and descriptive capabilities. The individual’s omniphysical mind is fully self-aware and all of the information stores are transparent and conservable. Thus, the individual is not only able to consciously self-identify but has access to all of the information underwriting its two-field existence. As part of this, the person can determine what content and capabilities to take from body to body.
Mind is the self of the descriptive field and as a descriptive entity can be supported omniphysically. There are five beginning facts relevant to becoming omniphysical: 1) mind is per se descriptive; all of its content and capabilities are descriptive, allowing the integrated system of mind to move from body to body; 2) mind is aware and self-aware in our natural language, alleviating the need to understand or mimic brain-supported mind’s underlying languages and structures; 3) mind is a semantic web both in its definitional foundation as well as the content which makes mind’s content so rich and robust; 4) mind is an open dynamic system whose semantic web is under constant change; 5) it is critical to conserve our physical field experiences with appropriate descriptions.
We are products of evolution and the underlying specifics of mind and body are opaque to us. We know precious little about the descriptive and brain/bodily structures supporting mind. Even mind’s contents of which we can be aware atrophy due to mind’s biological nature. And much of what our mind does is below the level of its awareness and can’t be reported and conserved. Among other challenges, how do we deal with the opacities and limitations imposed by our evolutionary path? How do we conserve the me that is me, the me that thinks like me and has my memories and other semantics of self? What information of life can be imbued at the ‘factory’ and what is the essential information that I must conserve to become omniphysical?
On the road to omniphysical life, knowledge and implementations being developed as part of AI will play important roles. In thinking about the path ahead, several facts are important.
First and foremost, the goal is not artificial intelligence but personal or individual intelligence. We don’t want information power centered in external artifacts but internalized in the individual – an accomplishment that is only possible by becoming omniphysical. This will not only empower individuals but is the only way to preclude the AI threat.
Second, an understanding of mind and its self-referencing nature assures us that mind’s consciousness is a fundamental feature of the system. Our omniphysical mind will be conscious in its descriptive information terms. Third, connectionist or neural net approaches are not the appropriate ones in making mind omniphysical – although they have other important applications. Fourth, along the path to omniphysical life, neuroscience-based approaches are not part of the picture. The focus must be on the descriptive system of mind and not the processor. Omniphysical mind is supportable by any appropriate universal computational device and we will be opting for very powerful ones, surpassing the opaque and convoluted processor that nature created. Fifth, it is good old fashion artificial intelligence (GOFAI) that will be at the fore in developing the information infrastructures enabling a person’s mind supportable omniphysically. Omniphysical mind is a well-defined and transparent system of symbol-based meanings, linkages, structures, and rules for processing the system’s content. The problems associated with formal systems do not arise since we will be conveying our brain-supported mind’s semantics of self as the information basis for our omniphysical mind. As a part of the effort, the means to conserve a person’s information of life can be accomplished quickly, enabling the passage to omniphysical life even if the move to omniphysical body 1.0 occurs at a later date, including after biological death.
It is our mind’s content that makes each of us the unique descriptive self/individual we are. Mind’s capabilities are common; we don’t need a separate set of capabilities for each person. Mind is a self-described self in the information terms of our natural language and that content can be reported and conserved. There are several types of semantics at the heart of the conservation project:
1) the semantics of self by which the person self-identifies, 2) the operational semantics below the level of mind’s awareness at the interfaces of mind/body. These routines will be created at the factory as part of building omniphysical bodies; 3) the values, constraints, and guidance affecting mind’s thinking; 4) the forward-looking semantics of the passage to and life as omniphysical. Reportable conservations of the past will be aided by query programs eliciting and organizing mind’s semantic web. Conservations in the ongoing present will rely on personal conservation devices able to conserve and organize conservable content of both fields. The goal is to develop information capture and organizing devices which allow the person’s omniphysical mind to be created as the individual lives their life.
On the foundation of conserved semantics of the past, the personal conservation device (PCD) serves as the front-end means of capturing information of both fields as I live my life. That information is conserved as my semantic web in my omniphysical information store, managed and overseen by my brain-supported mind. The growing omniphysical store is operationalized and gains autonomy by imbuing it with mind’s capabilities, as well as by gaining access to information flowing from the PCD’s sensory devices translated into descriptive terms. Brain-supported and omniphysical mind interact, adjust, and conform their semantics and the results of their thinking to align brain-supported and omniphysical mind.
Having successfully created your omniphysical mind, you will make your leap of life when your new omniphysical body is ready. For those in the vanguard whose biological body dies before omniphysical body 1.0 is ready, it is nevertheless possible to become omniphysical if sufficient conservations are made while alive. When you awake as seminal omniphysical you, you will know it’s you, that you are in the body and situation you expected, and that you anticipate progressing to fully-enabled omniphysical. You will be with other seminal individuals where you can learn, grow, and advance toward being fully-enabled as omniphysical. You will be part of an emerging reality, using your powers of omniphysical life to create a civilization of goodness and life.
In the initial stages your new omniphysical bodies will be non-biological and may not enable the sensory feels that are quintessentially biological. That will change over time as your bodily capabilities and felt experiences surpass those of your current body. The central issue is whether your omniphysical mind is your mind. That will depend on your own conservation efforts, the technologies supporting those conservations, the platforms supporting omniphysical mind, and more. We expect to make our leap of life when our current body dies. Although it will be possible for your mind to move to a new body even as you remain alive in your current one, that omniphysical individual will not be you but your progeny living its own life. Only you can decide if you want to become omniphysical. If you choose not to, your Earthly existence will come to an end. But if you are successful in becoming omniphysical, you have the opportunity to be part of a new and hopeful reality of life.
Nature has opened the portal to omniphysical life through the gift of mind. We will secure that portal by developing the means that allow individuals to conserve their information of life so as to become omniphysical. Securing the portal is actionable and within our reach.
By conserving this content, individuals can become omniphysical even if they suffer bodily death before omniphysical bodies are available. The transition between two systems of life whose means of persistence reside in different information fields can pass through the shadow of replicate death. It is our opportunity and obligation to first secure and then pass the portal to become omniphysical – and to save ourselves, all that we love and care for, our planet of life, and bring forth a reality of good and lasting life.
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For more information on how we can help you live omniphysically, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our team members are ready to provide you with any information about living omniphysically.